Welcome to

jaya terang bersama

About us

CV. Jaya Terang Bersama was established on July 9, 2022. Leveraging modern technology, CV. Jaya Terang Bersama focuses on manufacturing products such as corn cob meal, corn cob grits, and corn cob powder. Our company specializes in the export business, catering to global markets. We are committed to meeting customer requests related to corn cobs.

Our Products


Corn Cob Meal

Corn cob meal is a coarsely ground product derived from corn cobs, find out more about its usage here!

Corn Cob Powder

Corn cob powder is a finely ground form of corn cobs, find out more about its usage here!

Corn Cob Grits

Corn cob grits are coarse particles derived from ground corn cobs, find out more about its usage here!

jasa penepungan

Milling service

Kita menerima jasa penepungan segala macam biji2an. Anda bisa request ukuran dan size sesuai permintaan.

We offer flour milling service for all types of grains. You can request specific sizes and measurements according to your needs.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.